Bespoke Assessment Support

Keystone - Bespoke assessment support

Fully Tailored Support

Keystone Academy Trust can provide bespoke training and support to schools on all areas around statutory and non-statutory assessment at KS1 and KS2. The support is personalised so that it meets your school’s needs and can include support for senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and ECTs. We can deliver training events from a full day INSET to half day and twilight sessions in schools, as well as facilitating moderation events within and between schools, federations and multi-academy trust.

Contact Paul Singleton to discuss costings for bespoke support provided by the Lincolnshire Moderation Team.

Mid-Year Assessment Visits

A mid-year assessment visit is an opportunity for schools to receive a half-day or full-day visit from a STA approved moderator during the Spring Term. This bespoke visit allows children’s current learning to be reviewed against the Teacher Assessment Framework and advice given to aid teachers in planning next steps for the remaining part of the year. This will all be collated onto a personalised report provided to the school at the end of the visit.

Mid-year assessment visits are available for teachers in Year 2 and Year 6.

Cost: £250 (half day) or £500 (full day)

Moderation Visits for Year 2

A Year 2 moderation visit is an opportunity for schools to receive a half-day visit from a Lincolnshire approved moderator during June 2024. During the visit, a moderator or moderators (depending on school size) will work with Y2 staff to moderate judgements ensuring they are consistent with national standards while also helping schools understand where pupils may need additional support as they transition into KS2.

£250 (1 form entry)
£450 (2 form entry)
£650 (3 form entry)
This is based on the number of moderators required to conduct these visits.

Individual School Based Assessment Visits

Individual School Based Assessment Visits are an opportunity for schools to receive a half-day or full day visit from a STA/Lincolnshire approved moderator to work with teachers in Years 1, 3, 4 or 5 to review work children have completed to ascertain the next steps for pupils in preparation for the move into the next year group. These visits will take place during July.

ISBA visits are available for teachers in Years 1, 3, 4 and 5.

Cost: £250 (half day) or £500 (full day)

Moderation Visits for Year 6

For schools who are not selected and wish to have their end of key stage 2 writing teacher assessments externally moderated, a Year 6 moderation visit is an opportunity to receive a half-day visit from a STA approved moderator during June 2024. During the visit, a moderator or moderators (depending on school size) will work with Y6 staff to moderate judgements ensuring they are consistent with national standards.

Any school wishing to have this moderation visit as part of their validation arrangements, can contact who can assist in organising this support.

£250 (1 form entry)
£450 (2 form entry)
£650 (3 form entry)
This is based on the number of moderators required to conduct these visits.

Keystone Academy Trust

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Keystone Academy Trust

Find out more about Keystone Academy Trust.

Assessment Resources

Helpful and informative resources keeping schools up to date with assessment.

Assessment Resources

Helpful and informative resources keeping schools up to date with assessment.

Assessment Support

Bespoke support for schools around statutory and non-statutory assessment.

Assessment Support

Bespoke support for schools around statutory and non-statutory assessment.

Assessment Training

Carefully selected CPD events with both face-to-face and virtual training available.

Assessment Training

Carefully selected CPD events with both face-to-face and virtual training available.

Other Services

Find out about the additional expertise offered to you from Keystone.

Other Services

Find out about the additional expertise offered to you from Keystone.

Get In Touch

Keystone are committed to helping educators at every level by providing assessment support, training and resources. Get in touch for more information and to see how we can help.