Assessment Resources

Resources To Support Assessment Practices
Keystone Academy Trust have a wealth of resources available for schools to purchase to support their teacher assessment practices in both statutory and non-statutory year groups. These high quality resources are written by the Lincolnshire Moderation Team who are all STA approved moderators and recently serving practitioners across KS1 and KS2.
Statutory Assessment Service
Our Statutory Assessment Service is available to academies, independent schools, free schools and local authority maintained schools. Through purchasing this service, this entitles schools to access additional training, resources and enhanced support from the Lincolnshire Moderation Team.
Academies, Free School and Independent Schools only
Allocation of an authorised provider to oversee statutory monitoring activities and a written local agreement as stipulated by STA.
Moderation of Y6 Teacher Assessment (TA) of writing by accredited STA moderators (this is on an at least four yearly cycle).
Monitoring of at least 10% of all schools’ delivery of the Phonics Screening Check. This will be a random sample of all schools and will occur either before, during or after the check.
Monitoring of at least 10% of all schools’ delivery of end of KS2 statutory National Curriculum tests. This will be a random sample of all schools and will occur either before, during or after the tests.
Preparation and execution of the moderation/monitoring visits that includes the completion of paperwork, travel and a proportion of the cost of training the moderators and monitors.
All schools – including LA maintained schools
Email and telephone access to the Lincolnshire Moderation Team who can give advice relating to teacher assessment and statutory testing.
Access to the Moderation Team’s Secure Platform which contains a wealth of resources.
Access to Assessment Resources: assessment calendar, assessment deadlines, governor monitoring documentation, moderation grids (including non-statutory year groups).
Half-termly Assessment Newsletters.
SATs Bulletin.
Updated Test Administration PowerPoints to support training of test administrators.
Free virtual training on: Access Arrangements, SATs Security and Exploring end of Key Stage 2 testing (reading and maths).
Statutory Assessment Service
LA Maintained Schools
Statutory Assessment Service
Academies, Independent Schools and Free Schools
Statutory Assessment Service
Schools outside Lincolnshire
Year 1, 3, 4 and 5 Moderation Book
Written by the Lincolnshire Moderation Team is our Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 writing moderation exemplification book. This book contains collections of writing, for each standard, to support teachers in non-statutory year groups make their judgements against national standards. This invaluable resource can also be used to support in-school moderation activities across the year. Each book costs £100 and digital copies are available for schools and/or multi-academy trusts.
For more information or to purchase, please complete the order form and contact:
Pre-Key Stage 1-4 Moderation Exemplification Book
Written by the Lincolnshire Moderation Team is our Pre-Key Stage Standards moderation exemplification book. This book exemplifies pre-key stage standards 1 to 4 in reading, writing and maths. This invaluable resource can be used to support in-school moderation activities across the year and support teachers in making judgements for children working below the National Curriculum standards at the end of KS1 and KS2. Each book costs £100 and digital copies are available for schools and/or multi-academy trusts.
For more information or to purchase, please complete the order and contact:
Progressive Writing Scheme
Keystone Academy Trust have developed a progressive writing scheme to support Year 6 teachers deliver high-quality English lessons. This will include a clear long-term plan and 20 units of planning (based on a 10-day and 5-day writing cycle) that cover key writing genres inspired by quality texts. Materials are designed to ensure progressive coverage of the statutory programmes of the national curriculum for Year 6, while also taking account of the latest evidence-based research.
The full package includes a virtual training session for Year 6 teachers, 10 x 10- day units and 10 x 5-day units.
Cost of the full package: £950 or units of planning available to purchase separately (10-day units £50 per unit and 5-day units £30 per unit).
For more information or to purchase, please complete the order and contact:
Moderation Grids for Non-Statutory Year Groups
Written by the Lincolnshire Moderation Team are our non-statutory assessment grids for Years 1, 3, 4, 5 for reading, writing and maths. Using the national curriculum expectations, these grids are a useful tool to support the teacher assessment of these non-statutory year groups. They follow a similar model to that of the statutory end of key stage teacher assessment frameworks.
Schools that subscribe to our Statutory Assessment Service receive these grids as part of this offer.
Cost: £150
For more information or to purchase, please complete the order and contact:
Get In Touch
Keystone are committed to helping educators at every level by providing assessment support, training and resources. Get in touch for more information and to see how we can help.